A few minutes ago, while preparing to pray with Michelle, I had one of those times when God says to me; "Do you see the possibilities yet?" Let me try to explain. As we prepare for Janie Beth's viewing and visitation tomorrow evening and the funeral the next day, Michelle and I feel as if we are walking through one of those never ending deserts where you just want some kind of relief to come. For those of you who have gone through times of deep grief and pain, you can understand that feeling of isolation, even when you are surrounded by life. It is not a deep depression, it is just simply grief and pain. I guess you could say that Michelle and I, for the last year, with the last week or so being the deepest point, have been journeying through the wilderness, in our own trip through the desert.
Well, it was with this discussion going on that God slapped me up side the head. Some years ago, while serving in my role as an Army Chaplain, I was traveling to see a group of soldiers in eastern California. My flight took me into Palm Springs, California and I had to drive several hundred miles. Part of the journey took me through the northern reaches of the Mojave Desert. As I drove I was looking out my window at the strangest sight; distant mountains covered with snow. Here I was in this hot, uncomfortable desert in the southern California summer and I could see snow-capped mountains. WOW!
Did you know, that not far from Death Valley (the lowest point in the US) is Mt. Whitney? Geologically speaking, it is not that far from the lowest point on earth to the highest. God reminded me that even when we are in those trips through the desert, His mountain top is not so very far away. It can seem far when you are in the valleys, but He will always provide a way and the means for us to reach those mountains and the relative cool of His living water in a dry and thirsty land.
I praise God that the Living Water is there for Michelle and I in this desert trip. And I find hope for the journey knowing that He has a mountain respite for me just down the road if I will keep the faith; keep pressing on; if I will trust His road map. For "every valley will be exalted and every mountain will be brought low." May God exalt our valley and bring the mountain to a point that we can reach it's peak and the glorious vision that awaits.
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