Well, today has been one of those bone weary, energy sapping days. But when all was said and done Michelle and I had the privilege of experiencing God's grace once again. It is amazing how you can find His presence even when you are totally focused on other things. Today we celebrated the privilege of being the parents of Janie Beth Karr. Today we buried our precious baby girl.
Yet, when all is said and done I find I have no great spiritual insights to share. No deep abiding truths that will move other people's faith in powerful ways (I leave that to the awesome way that God is using Michelle and her blog). Today I find that all I have to say is a simple thank-you.
Thank-you Janie Beth that you squeezed my finger in the NICU on that Tuesday night of your birth. Thank-you Janie Beth that you let me be hold you, along with your mommy as you breathed your last. Thank-you Janie Beth for the way you have helped me appreciate the wonderful gift my children truly are (no matter how well they manage to push my buttons). Thank-you Janie Beth for being God's instrument of encouragement, enlightenment, and everlasting hope (for one day Michelle and I will see you again). Thank-you Janie Beth for the way your short little life gave me a renewed desire to experience everything God has for me in this life He has allowed me to live. Thank-you Janie Beth for the wondrous way your life, through the pregnancy and in these past few days, has drawn Michelle and I even deeper into that shared journey that God intends couples to share. Thank-you Janie Beth for being exactly who God made you into (a little baby with a tiny chest, and a massive testimony). For you are truly made with reverence by the hand of God, and you are wonderfull.
Thank-you Janie Beth that I got to carry you one last time today.
Thank-you Janie Beth for the privilege of being your Dad...I love you and will miss you deeply.
"Jesus loves you my dear child. Yes His arms are strong, yet mild. He will keep you in heaven so bright by the power of His great might. Yes, Jesus loves you; yes, Jesus loves you; yes, Jesus loves you...the Bible tells me so."
Good night, and may you rest peacefully in God loving embrace.
Wow, Joey. I just bawled my way through this. :) thank YOU for your courageous faith in God and your amazing testimony. Your family has changed my life.