

Hmmmm. It seems that it has been a very long time since I last posted...perhaps because it has been a very long time since I last posted. Well, after being out of the blogging pocket because of some temporary work I had the privilege of doing (by the grace of God and a dear friend), I would love to share what God has reinforced in my life this last week.

I have believed for years that perhaps one of the greatest themes in Scripture is the one about relationships. We were created to have a relationship with God and one another. When we failed God by our sin, God spent the next several millennium seeking to reconcile us to Himself, so that our intended relationship with Him could be restored. And so on. And with this theme in mind I have seen the other side of God's work in relationships played out this past week.

When our precious, and might I say as a doting Dad - beautiful, Janie Beth was born and died this past week, mine and Michelle's world seemed to crash down around us. The hurt was and is real and ever so deep. I find myself just praying that God will somehow give me the strength, wisdom and depth of love to be everything my wife and children need me to be. I know that it is only by His strength and grace that we will make it through these dark days. Yet, I pray that He will allow me to be a part of His gracious love and support apparatus for my family. And that brings me back to relationships.

I have seen God's work of building Christian relationships everywhere I turn these days. I have seen it in the way Michelle and I find hope and assurance in the never wavering love relationship we have with our personal Savior Jesus Christ. I have seen it in the tender way that God has deepened mine and Michelle's walk and friendship during times that so often drives many couples to seclude themselves from even one another. I have seen it in the way that God's peace has settled into how Michelle and I deal with the little temper tantrums our kids have been having (well in how we deal with them most of the time). I have seen it in the way that God has drawn our family (both physical and Christian) together to give in such generous and truly unselfish ways. I have seen what strength truly comes from having a living relationship with the everlasting God that goes beyond mere religious words or thoughts. How that living, intimate walk with Him can draw His children together to love and support one another. After all, when part for the Body hurts, the whole body hurts.

I cannot imagine how anyone could allow the distractions, trash and selfishness of the world prevent them from truly experiencing the wonder of an intimate walk with Christ that is full of the love and grace He gives. After all, it is in this relationship with Him, and through that relationship, our relationship with fellow believers that I truly have discovered that we can make it through any trial that comes our way. For, "if we walk in the light as He is in the light we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin." (1 John 7)

Thank you God for a relationship with You. Thank you Michelle for the growing relationship I can share with you. And thank you each and every one of you, my brothers and sisters in Christ for the relationship that has allowed us to circle the wagons as Michelle and I hurt. May God truly bless each and everyone of you.

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