
Lanterns In The Dark

On Saturday I was driving to Gadsden to visit a former church member who had undergone emergency surgery. As I was driving I was thinking of the difficult times she has had to face in her life. That naturally led me back to thinking about Janie Beth and the still darker days that lay ahead for our family. It was during this time of reflection that I experienced one of those times of comfort. I came to realize that what we all most need in the dark times of our lives are lanterns in the dark. Let me explain.

One of the things I love to do most is read. And, of all things, my favorite genre of books to read for pleasure are the Fantasy Adventure/Science Fictions novels. As un-Baptist as it is, I find myself enjoying this simple escape from the realities of life, found in these stories of good verses evil in magical worlds were anything might be possible. Well, one of the books series I love is the Wheel of Time series by the late Robert Jordan. And, it was in this series, which I am currently re-reading, that I found a great illustration of what God is doing in our lives.

In the magical world of the Wheel of Time, there is a passage way called The Ways. Now these powerful passages, which can only be reached through special means, have the unique ability to twist time. A person can travel from one Waygate to another in a short period of time. What might take several months in normal travel takes only days. There is one catch. In the stories the Creator has locked up the Dark One in a place called Shayol Ghul until the time of the Last Battle between good and evil. (sounds kind of familiar doesn't it?) In the process of this locking up of Shaitan the Ways have become corrupted with an oppressive darkness and an evil "wind" threatens to destroy anyone who seeks to travel the Ways.

In the stories, needless to say it becomes necessary for the heroes to travel these dangerous roads. Once they enter they discover that the darkness is so oppressive it seems to just swallow all light and steal all hope. In order for the companions to survive this treacherous journey they not only have to draw closer to one another, but they discover that the more lanterns they have lighting their company, the more comfort and strength they gain. The more they each bring what light they have together, the more they are able to beat back some of that oppressive dark.

Prior to the the prophet Isaiah writting those great words of the identity of Christ in Isaiah 9:6-7, he wrote (in verse 2) that "the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them has the light shined." As Michelle and I have traveled through the Ways of our journey we have found that the light of Christ in both of our lives has enabled us to draw closer together and fight back those dark days. And, as happened today when another group of fellow Christians who joined together with us to walk this journey, they brought their own lanterns into the darkness, and more of that darkness is pushed away.

In Christ, and with His people, Michelle and I have found that those dreadful Ways may still be hard and oppressive, but the darkness is not so bad when God and His people ban together. I praise God for light in our dark times. I am humbled by the love that God has showed us through not only His ever present Spirit but by the love and support of His people...The Church.

1 comment:

  1. Really cool stuff, Joey. Praying for lots of lanterns along your path today!
