I was doing my morning devotional earlier and had one of those greatly encouraging moments. When I look at what our family is going through (search for a new ministry position, Janie Beth, financial struggles, etc.) it can seem so overwhelming. In fact, for any of you who have ever gone through something like this, you know how it can seem that the stress and burdens are going to crush you under its weight.
I saw this played out this morning when our 4 year old, Katie Jo, came to me and declared that she did not want her Janie Beth Panda anymore and that she was not going to pray for Janie Beth anymore. But, once I gave her some attention and let her feel loved she suddenly could not let go of her Janie Beth Panda. Katie, like the rest of us, is seeking to work her way through the burdens that weigh our household down. And like us, she needs to know that someone cares and is there to hold her and lift her up.
Well, back to this morning's quiet time. In 2 Corinthians 1:8-11 the Apostle Paul talks about when he was "burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life." (vs. 8) I know how he feels. How am I going to provide for my family? How do I comfort my children as they confront the impending (most likely) death of their little sister? When is God going to open the door to that place He has already set aside as my next Pastorate? The burdens can truly overwhelm and engulf us; they can zap our strength and fill us with despair. But then God steps in.
As I was doing my quiet time I found a couple things in the words of this passage to be great encouragement. First, there is God. Paul speaks of the need to put our trust solely in God instead of our own abilities or strengths. (vs. 9) He shares that it is God who delivered us, continues to deliver us, and will deliver us in the days to come. (vs. 10) Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!! We are not alone, God is there to deliver us from the burdens we face.
And then Paul goes on to share a second source of encouragement during these times of deep burdens. "You also, helping together in prayer for us." (vs. 11) We desperately need those prayers that are being offered up on our behalf. Thank you each from the very depths of my heart and soul for each and every prayer you send to the throne of God.
You see, between God and the many prayers that are faithfully being offered on behalf of those who go through the dark and burden filled times, we can experience the power of the "Burden Buster." Thank You God, and thank you family and freinds.
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