
Life's Journeys

WOW! Have you ever noticed that God always seems to find a way to get your attention and teach you something new? Michelle and I have found that God is doing just that and doing so in a very powerful way. As I journey into the world of the "blogosphere" I find that I will be sharing what God has been teaching me and doing in my life in a number of "threads" or topics.

For those of you who know Michelle and I you will understand some of what we are dealing with in our personal journey and lives. Two of the threads through which I am going to be journeying with you will be in the area of my walk in, and understanding of, "ministry"and also, on a far more personal note, our journey into the impact of "Janie Beth" on our lives.

For you who do not know, Michelle and I have discovered that Janie Beth, due February 7, 2010 has been diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism that is almost universally fatal. In other words, barring a miracle from God, she will be preceding the two of us into God's glorious presence shortly after her birth. Let me tell you that God has been teaching me all kinds of lessons during this journey that I will be sharing on my "Janie Beth" thread.

Two other areas, or threads, that I will be sharing from my walk with God have to do "marriage" and the "Master." You can find out more on these topics as their threads begin to take form.

The title of my blog is "Living The Experience." I believe that the call for each of us is to experience a living faith that is so much more than just a religion or a set of do's and don'ts. It has been said, by people with much bigger brains than me with far deeper thoughts; that the Christian journey is usually lived out in one of two ways. The first is evidenced in the efforts that Christians have in trying to live out their faith by following a rigid adherence to a system of right and wrong (deontology). These Christians believe that their faith is judged by following God's commands to the letter, being "holy in all" their conduct (1 Peter 1:15). There are other Christians who live a faith based walk with Christ that is focused on the goal of seeing God's promise fulfilled in their lives (teleology). They are seeking to "press towards the goal" of the "upward calling of Christ" (Philippians 3:14). Their faith rests in the belief that God keeps His promises and we look to the fulfilling of our faith realized in our hope in Jesus Christ.

Well I have come to realize that the Christian life is so much more. Yes we are called to be holy in all our conduct as well as to press towards the upward calling of Christ Jesus in our lives. At the same time, the Christian life is also meant to be lived and enjoyed. The Christian life is meant to be experienced in a personal and real way. We are called as His people to move beyond our religion and into an active and vibrant relationship with Christ. We are called to live the experience that is our faith walk.

So, come with me as we journey together by "Living the Experience." Be it in the struggles of life, or the victories; the experience of the Christian life is blessed and glorious.

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