Recently I was writing the second chapter of a new book about a Christian life that is Built 2 Last. In this chapter I was writing about the foundation of our life being built on Jesus Christ. At one point I was talking about the hope that is found in Christ, and especially the role of the Shepherd with His sheep. During this time God taught me a valuable lesson. Isn't it amazing that when we are trying to write lessons to teach others God goes and decides to make it personal for us instead? The lesson had to do with the Shepherd, the sheep and a shrub.
Have you ever thought about what a shepherd really does for the sheep? He nurtures them when they hurt. He protects them from harm. He disciplines them when they stray. And he leads them to green pastures. And one thing about the leading of the sheep to pasture that struck me was that the Shepherd will always lead the sheep to the pastures that he has determined to be best for them at that moment. Sometimes the pastures are lush and green, and sometimes they are full of nothing but shrubs. Either way, the shepherd always seeks to lead the sheep to what is best for them at that time.
Now that truth hit me kind of hard. I look at those times in my life when God has led me to a life with plenty of resources to live comfortably. Life was good. But then I think of times when life has not gone as planned. There have been times when we did not know how we were going to pay the electric bill that month, times of want and uncertainty. It seems that God at timers leads us into a time of shrubs and not so tasty grass. But the real lesson that needs to be learned is that even the shrubs are good. Why? Because the Shepherd has led me to them. When you are following the Lord He will always lead you to what is best for you at that time. The real challenge is to trust His plan enough that even in those times of shrubbery and tasteless grass you can is good. Because life is always good when you are where God intends you to be at that time.
Father God help me to trust Your plan. As I learn to live on the means You have provided, help me trust Your plan. As we live a life of faith that is challenging and even at times discouraging, help us to trust Your plan. When it does not make sense, help me to trust Your plan. Thank You for all the times when my family and I have had to trust You to be our provider. May we never forget that need, even when, or if, You finally lead us to lush green pastures. Wherever You may lead us, help us to trust Your plan. Amen.
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