We often hear about God's work to refine our lives in the "Refiner's fire." I know for a fact that when God decides it is time for a little refinement that fire is defintely very hot. For a while Michelle and I have been praying for God to do His work in us and make us ready for that church He has prepared for us. The problem is, when you go through the Refiner's fire you have to deal with the dross.
The entire process of refinement entails a very hot flame which turns a solid precious metal, such as gold or silver, into its liquid form. Once it is liquified the impurities (the dross) will rise to the top. Dross is gross, nasty and sometimes a bit embarassing. But, in order for us to be refined all the dross, even those impurities which are buried deep and no one else knows about, must come to the top so it can be scraped away, leaving pure metal that the Divine Silversmith can work into a usable vessal. The Refiner's fire is unpleasant, as I have been reminded of recently, but it is necessary. We all fail God, sometimes with bigger failures than at other times, but God will always fight for His own. In Isaiah 48:9-11, we read:
"For My names sake I will defer My anger, and for My praise I will restrain it from you, so that I do not cut you off. Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction. For My own sake, for My own sake, I will do it; For how should My name be profaned? And I will not give My glory to another."
Father God, please contiue to refine me, no matter how painful the process. May You and only You receive the glory and never me, things, desires, possesions or any other thing. Please God, expose all the dross in my life, scape it clean and mold me into a vessal of worth and value; usable only to Your purpose and none other. Amen.
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